The four-third molars found in the permanent adult teeth are known as wisdom teeth. These
teeth are the last in the dental bridge. Wisdom teeth are found in most people, but they may
never develop in any of the third molars. Most wisdom teeth evolve through the gingiva
between the ages of 16-23. Sometimes, a person will feel the presence of the wisdom teeth
before they can envision them in their mouth. Erupting wisdom teeth will normally produce
throbbing in the jaws.
Extraction of a wisdom tooth is identified if the tooth has partially emerged through the
gingival tissue, leading to inflammation or infection. This condition is known as a partially
erupted or partially affected wisdom tooth. A soft tissue growth over semi erupted wisdom
tooth is known as the operculum. If bacteria become confined under the operculum, an
infection called pericoronitis may occur. Once it has been ascertained that a wisdom tooth is
troublesome, extraction by a qualified dentist may be suggested. During extraction, local
anaesthesia is used to ensure the tooth can be removed without any significant
inconvenience. Next, minor surgery is performed. The tissue and bone around the wisdom
tooth are removed so the tooth can be cleanly extracted from the opening. Several incisions
may be needed to close the surgical site and allow tissue healing. Incisions may dissolvable
after 3-5 days or incisions that need to be removed by the surgeon after a specific period.
To obtain further details regarding the procedure as well as post-procedural care, please do
not hesitate to get in touch with our team.

The four-third molars found in the permanent adult teeth are known as wisdom teeth. These teeth are the last in the dental bridge. Wisdom teeth are found in most people, but they may never develop in any of the third molars. Most wisdom teeth evolve through the gingiva between the ages of 16-23. Sometimes, a person will feel the presence of the wisdom teeth before they can envision them in their mouth. Erupting wisdom teeth will normally produce throbbing in the jaws. Extraction of a wisdom tooth is identified if the tooth has partially emerged through the gingival tissue, leading to inflammation or infection. This condition is known as a partially erupted or partially affected wisdom tooth. A soft tissue growth over semi erupted wisdom tooth is known as the operculum. If bacteria become confined under the operculum, an infection called pericoronitis may occur.

Once it has been ascertained that a wisdom tooth is troublesome, extraction by a qualified dentist may be suggested. During extraction, local anaesthesia is used to ensure the tooth can be removed without any significant inconvenience. Next, minor surgery is performed. The tissue and bone around the wisdom tooth are removed so the tooth can be cleanly extracted from the opening. Several incisions may be needed to close the surgical site and allow tissue healing. Incisions may dissolvable after 3-5 days or incisions that need to be removed by the surgeon after a specific period.
Wisdom Tooth Extraction recovery takes about three to five days. The slight bleeding after extraction will stop after the first 24 hours. When the effect of anaesthesia fades away, there can be jaw stiffness, a problem with opening the mouth and some pain. Painkillers and antibiotics are prescribed to deal with any postoperative symptoms and discomfort. The patient will be advised to eat soft foods for a few days and avoid spicy food, tobacco and alcohol and vigorous exercise three to four days after the surgery. The full recovery time for wisdom tooth extraction is 3-4 weeks.